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HR – Procedure 455

Section 400
Proc. 455
Subject: Pay Rates
Effective: 09/01/79
Revision (9): 09/01/2022

An increase in salary/wage, with no other change in status, will generally be made effective on July 1 (or the biweekly pay period starting date on which fiscal year wage adjustments are made). Such salary/wage changes are reflected in the normal salary budget preparation.

For reclassifications, a job review must be conducted.

Reclassifications not involving changes in compensation can become effective with the first pay cycle starting date following UTSI Executive Director’s approval. Reclassifications resulting in monetary changes are subject to the salary budget guidelines in effect at that time and to the availability of funding.

The amount and percentage of increase in salary/wage as a result of promotion or reclassification is determined by the UTSI Executive Director following advice from the Director for Human Resources. The amount of salary/wage decrease in the event of demotions will be determined by the UTSI Executive Director following advice from the Director for Human Resources.

A change in status involving promotion, demotion, lateral transfer, or reclassification, with or without a change in salary/wage, is processed and maintained in Human Resources. The employee and his/her supervisor are notified of the change.

Employees interested in transfer or promotion must meet the minimum requirements of the position. If the transfer or promotion involves a move to another division or to another payroll account, the employee must notify the current supervisor of his/her intentions to seek transfer or promotion before an interview is accomplished.

Current employees of UTSI have an opportunity to increase base pay by completing additional degree work. Employees who put forth the extra effort to further their education return the additional skills and knowledge acquired to the work places, as well as increasing each person’s overall marketability and the ability to serve in his/her position. The amounts of additional compensation are reviewed periodically.

The percentages of increase added to base salary the pay period following when a degree is conferred are as follows:
Associates up to 2%
Bachelors up to 4%
Masters up to 4%
Doctorate up to 6%

Supervisors must submit to the UT Space Institute Human Resources office a request that includes the percent of increase and a copy of the diploma as verification of completion of the degree.  The effective date of the pay increase will be the pay period following when the degree is conferred as reflected on the diploma.