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ERC Election

Please vote for ONE individual in your occupational category to represent you on the UTSI Employee Relations Committee for the period 2024-2025 by Friday, December 15th 2023. The persons listed below, in alphabetical order, have been nominated to serve as a representative from your occupational category.  These individuals either asked themselves to be listed on the ballot or were nominated by another individual and are willing to serve.

The requirements for Committee membership are as follows: (1) be in a staff non-exempt status, (2) be on non-probationary regular appointment, and (3) have at least one year of continuous service credit with the University.  The individuals listed below meet the requirements for committee membership to the best of the knowledge of the Secretary of the Employee Relations Committee. 

You may vote for any individual in your occupational group, including an individual whose name does not appear below.  You may vote for yourself.  All non-exempt employees in an occupational group may vote in elections.  Election will be by simple plurality.  In the event that an individual is elected who does not meet announced committee membership requirements, the committee membership will be awarded to the individual with the next highest number of votes who meets the membership requirements.  Any questions or comments on the election process should be referred to Committee members from the preceding year or to the Director for Human Resources, Equity & Diversity, and Compliance.

"*" indicates required fields

Proposal development is an important component of the research agenda for UTSI. This form should be completed by the PI at least 2 weeks before the submission due date, even if the complete budget by the PI is not yet known.

Declining Support Services
By declining support services, I agree to provide a complete, final submission packet to the UTSI Office of Proposals and Contracts no later than 5 days prior to the submission date.
Max. file size: 300 MB.

Proposed Project Period:

Include Cost Share:*
Cost Share Mandatory:*
Cost Share Approved:*
By submitting this form, you agree that all information is correct and will be sent directly to the UTSI Grants and Contracts Office.*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.