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Performance Evaluation

Staff Performance Reviews

Annual performance reviews for staff are a key component of employee development. Due March 31 each year, the annual performance review is intended to be a fair and balanced assessment of an employee’s performance. UT Policy HR0129, Performance Reviews for Regular Staff Employees, specifies that the objective of the annual review is to provide all regular university staff and their supervisors an opportunity to:

  • Discuss job performance
  • Set goals for professional development
  • Establish objectives for contributing to the department’s mission
  • Discuss expectations and accomplishments

Staff performance reviews are completed in the “Online Performance Review” system (OPR). The OPR streamlines the annual review process for staff and makes it easier to complete no matter where we are working!

Monitoring performance and providing ongoing feedback to empower staff throughout the year is an incredibly important leadership responsibility. Similarly, staff are encouraged to take charge of their performance and engage in performance dialogue throughout the year. Think about performance and feedback as part of a yearly continuum of communication that you have with those around you.

Here is a sample of the performance review summary form for staff or performance improvement plan (PIP) template.

Required Performance Improvement Plan

Staff members who receive unsatisfactory overall performance ratings of 9 or lower are required to participate in a Performance Improvement Plan. A copy of this document should be submitted to HR along with the Summary Form. Performance improvement plans also are highly recommended for staff members who receive overall ratings of 10 to 14. These ratings align with the “sometimes achieves expectations” category.

The Performance Improvement Plan is:

  1. Required for staff members who receive unsatisfactory overall performance ratings of 9 or lower on their performance reviews
  2. Highly recommended for staff receiving a 10 to 14
  3. Optional for staff receiving a 15 or above

Performance Improvement Plan Form

Here is the Performance Improvement Plan Form.

Available Training

Please contact the UTSI Human Resources by emailing for more information on available training.

Additional Optional Tools

Optional tools are available to help supervisors make informed decisions about performance.

The optional tools explained below can be used at supervisors’ discretion to help in completing the performance review summary form and to address improvement needs.

The Optional Administrator, Supervisor or Peer Review Form allows supervisors to collect feedback about an employee’s performance from those who work with the employee. The form should be completed at the supervisor’s request and returned to the supervisor.

The Optional Review Form for Employees with Supervisory Responsibilities allows supervisors to evaluate an employee’s ability to lead others and/or manage a department.

Optional Performance Review Forms

Here are the Optional Administrator, Supervisor or Peer Review Form and the Optional Review Form for Employees with Supervisory Responsibilities.

Campus and Institute-Specific Tools

Additional staff performance review forms or other supporting documentation may be used as indicated by campus and institute Human Resources offices.

Helpful info: Thought Stimulators for Self-Appraisal