AEDC Summer Interns Visit UTSI
Several summer interns from Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC) came to the University of Tennessee Space Institute (UTSI) on July 25. The interns began their visit with an overview of the Space Institute from Executive Director, Mark Whorton. Next came a tour of UTSI’s TALon (Tennessee Aerothermodynamics Laboratory) facilities, which houses the Mach 4 wind tunnel with aerospace professor, John Schmisseur. The tour gave Schmisseur an opportunity to showcase the HORIZON (High-Speed Original Research and Innovation Zone) Research Group and the work they are currently engaged in. They also toured the wind and water tunnel building with Joel Davenport. He demonstrated the subsonic wind tunnel capabilities present at UTSI and discussed one of the flight instability problems that his group has solved for the Air Force. Stops were also made at UTSI’s solar observatory and library, which is currently undergoing extensive renovation. Their visit concluded with a social mixer, at which the AEDC interns enjoyed refreshments while conversing with UTSI summer interns, graduate students, and faculty members. UTSI and AEDC hope to bring the interns together every summer to encourage collaboration and connections for the young students wanting to work in the aerospace field. Their future is so bright!