Artwork Presented to UTSI COO
ARTWORK PRESENTED TO UTSI COO—Monday afternoon UTSI Professor Emeritus Dr. Remi Engels presented a beautiful oil painting to Dr. Don Daniel, UTSI Chief Operating Officer. Dr. Engels painted the lovely work of art from an equally gorgeous photograph taken by UTSI graduate student Tony Saad. The painting shows the Institute at sunset and will hang in the UTSI COO’s office. Dr. Engels published over 50 technical papers and other publications while a professor at UTSI from 1983 until he retired in 2002. He now enjoys sketching and painting, and much of his artwork is done in support of UTSI. In fact, an exhibition of Remi’s work entitled “The Institute” is currently on display in the UTSI lobby and will remain up through Friday, Sept. 21. Dr. Daniel is shown above at left, with Dr. Engels and his wife Linda Engels, who heads Document Preparation at UTSI.
— UTSI Photo by Shanna Relford