Daniel Honored at Bank’s Celebration
Donald C. Daniel was saluted for his “outstanding service and dedication to The University of Tennessee Space Institute” during Coffee County Bank’s customer appreciation day Saturday.
Ewing J. Threet, chairman of the Manchester bank’s board and a long-time booster of UTSI, presented a Distinguished Service Award to Daniel, UT associate vice president and chief operating officer of the Institute.
As a state senator, Threet helped get the graduate school and research center established beside Woods Reservoir in 1964, and was one of the charter members of the Institute’s Support Council. Noting that UTSI had been through difficult times in its 42-year history, Threet expressed confidence in the Institute’s future under Daniel’s leadership.
A color guard led by U.S. Air Force Colonel Harold J. Arata, deputy for mission support at Arnold Engineering Development Center, raised the United States and Tennessee flags for the occasion. Free food and drinks were served.