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UT/UTSI Information Technology

During recent years UTSI’s IT department has worked closely with our counterparts on the Knoxville campus. Now that we are a part of UT Knoxville, that working relationship will become even closer.

Below are links to UT resources that we think would be beneficial to UTSI Faculty, Staff and Students.

  • NetID Information – Also note that UTSI folk can have their NetID password reset by calling 37363 or contacting any of our CS personnel.
  • Sending large files – Emailing files on UTSI email system is limited to 20 mb – the receiver may have even lower limitations.
    Solution? Try UT Vault. Login is your preferred email address at UT, could be to login, some will be and the password is your NETID password, never your UTSI password. The rest is self-explanatory.


There are three main ways to obtain software at UT: 

  2. Departmental and personal purchases at The Bookstore Technology Center, and
  3. OIT’s Terminal Server.

Below are some UT links related to available software.