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LAMP Publications

Journal Publications

(* refers to corresponding author, underline refers to Dr. Zhao’s graduate and undergraduate students)

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  1. K. Akita, P. Zhao*, Y. Morii, K. Maruta, D. Splitter, F. Chuahy, “Effects of unburnt reaction progress on stretch flame dynamics under elevated temperatures”, Combust. Flame, under review.   
  2. L. Zhang, Y. Chen, H. Ge, A. Jain, P. Zhao*, “Characteristics and regimes of radiation-induced Li-ion batter thermal runaway propagation”, feature article in Applied Sciences 13 (2023) 8229. 
  3. H. Ge, A. H. Bakir, P. Zhao*, “Knock mitigation and power enhancement of hydrogen spark-ignition engine through ammonia blending”, Special issue in Machines 11 (2023) 651. 
  4. A. H. Bakir, H. Ge, Z. Zhang, P. Zhao*, “Autoignition enhancement of liquid ammonia sprays under engine-relevant conditions via hydrogen addition: Role of thermal, chemical and charge cooling effects”, International Journal of Engine Research,
  5. B. C. Koenig, S. Deng, P. Zhao, “Accommodating physical reaction schemes in DSC cathode thermal stability analysis using chemical reaction neural networks”, Journal of Power Sources, accepted, 2023. 
  6. V. Talele, P. Zhao, “Effect of nano-enhanced phase change material on the thermal management of a 18650 NMC battery pack”, Journal of Energy Storage 64 (2023) 107068. 
  7. L. Zhang, L. Liu, S. Yang, Z. Xie, F. Zhang, P. Zhao*, “Experimental investigation on thermal runaway suspension with battery health retention”, Applied Thermal Engineering 225 (2023) 120239. 
  8. D. DelVescovo, J. Li, D. Splitter, F. Chuahy, P. Zhao, “Genetic algorithm optimization of a chemical kinetic mechanism for propane at engine relevant conditions”, Fuel 338 (2023) 128371. 
  9. W. Ge, F. Chuahy, P. Zhang, R. Sankaran, D. Splitter, D. DelVescovo, T. Lu, P. Zhao, “A direct numerical simulation study of the dilution tolerance of propane combustion under spark-ignition engine conditions”, Combust. Flame, 247 (2023) 112495.  
  10. A. Garcia, P. Zhao, J. Monsalve-Serrano, D. Villalta, S. Martinez-Boggio, Optical diagnostics of the venting spray and combustion behaviour during Li-ion battery thermal runaway induced by ramp heating, Applied Thermal Engineering, 218 (2023) 119308. 
  11. D. Mishra, P. Zhao, A. Jain*, “Numerical Investigation of Combustion-induced Thermal Runaway Propagation in Li-ion Battery Packs”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society169 (2022) 100520. 
  12. L. Zhang, S. Yang, L. Liu, P. Zhao*, “Cell-to-cell variability in Li-ion battery thermal runaway: Experimental testing, statistical analysis, and kinetic modeling”, Journal of Energy Storage 56 (2022) 106024. 
  13. P. Zhao*, Shiyou Yang, “On planar reaction front in condensed materials: reduced model, propagation speed, reaction zone balance, and insights into battery thermal runaway”, Combust. Flame, 245 (2022) 112346.
  14. H. Ge, P. Zhao, S. Choi, T. Deng, Y. Feng, X. Cui, Effects of face shield on an emitter during a cough process: a large-eddy simulation study, Science of the Total Environment, 831 (2022) 154856.
  15. X. Yang, X. Shen, P. Zhao, C.K. Law, “Statistical analysis on rate parameters of the H2-O2 reation system”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 125 (2021) 10223-10234. 
  16. P. Zhao*, L. Liu, L. Zhang, Y. Chen, “Mitigating battery thermal runaway through mild combustion”, Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, 9 (2022) 100208.
  17. P. Zhao*, A. Garcia, T. Burton, “Initiation and propagation of curved reaction front in solids: insights into solid combustion and battery thermal runaway”, Combust. Flame, 238 (2022) 111951.
  18. H. Ge, P. Zhao*, “Effects of stratification and charge cooling on combustion in a gasoline direct-injection compression ignition (GDCI) engine”, Int. J. Engine Res., accepted.
  19. G. Xiao, H. Ge, P. Zhao*, “Initiation and propagation of one-dimensional planar flames in mixtures with variable reaction progress”, Combust. Flame, 236, 111765, 2021.
  20. P. Zhao*, L. Liu, H. Ge, Y. Chen, “Theoretical and numerical analysis for thermal runaway propagation within a single cell”, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf, 181, 111901, 2021.
  21. M. Xu, X. Wang, L. Zhang, P. Zhao, “Comparison of the effect of linear and two-step fast charging protocols on degradation of Li-ion batteries”, Energy, 227, 120417, 2021.
  22. Q. Yang, Z. Chen, A.J. Susa, R.K. Hanson, P. Zhao*, “Over-driven flame and its role in the negative-temperature dependence of iso-octane flame speed at elevated temperatures”, Combust. Flame, 223, 65-76, 2021.
  23. H. Ge, A. Bakir, Y. Kang, S. Yadav, S. Parameswaran and P. Zhao*, “CFD optimization of the pre-chamber geometry for a gasoline spark ignition engine”, Special issue in Design and Application of Novel Combustion Systems for Internal Combustion Engines in Front. Mech. Engr., 6, 101, 2021.
  24. C. Freeman, J. Robinson, J. Endres, S. Parameswaran, H. Ge, P. Zhao, “CFD-guided development of a pre-chamber ignition system for internal combustion engines”, Int. J. Powertrains, 10, 79-103, 2021.
  25. H. Chen, M. Tao, Q. Yang, H. Ge, P. Zhao*, “Two-stage autoignition and combustion mode evolution in boundary layer flows above a cold flat surface”, Proc. Combust. Inst., 38, 767-776, 2021.
  26. X. Chen, P. Zhao, Z. Chen*, “On the prediction of hot spot induced ignition by the Livengood-Wu integral”, Proc. Combust. Inst., 38, 4709-4716, 2021.
  27. Q. Yang, P. Zhao*, “Minimum ignition energy and propagation dynamics of laminar premixed cool flames”, Proc. Combust. Inst., 38, 2315-2322, 2021.
  28. M. Tao, Q. Yang, P. Lynch, P. Zhao*, “Auto-ignition and reaction front dynamics in mixtures with temperature and concentration stratification”, Special issue of Advancement of Low Temperature Engine Combustion Strategies in Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 6, 68, 2020.
  29. T. Zhou, P. Zhao, T. Ye*, M. Zhu, “Direct numerical simulation of cool flame affected n-dodecane spray autoignition”, Fuel, 280, 118453, 2020.
  30. Y. Wu, C. Tao, M. Yang, Q. Wang, Z. Huang, P. Zhao, H.J. Curran, “Evaluation of non-ideal piston stopping effects on the “adiabatic core” and ignition delay time simulation in rapid compression machines”, Combust. Flame, 218, 229-233, 2020.
  31. M. Tao, P. Zhao*, B. VanDerWege, I. Claudia, H. Ge, “Further study on wall film effects and flame quenching under engine thermodynamic conditions”, Combust. Flame, 216, 100-110, 2020.
  32. L. Zhang, P. Zhao*, M. Xu, X. Wang, “Computational identification of the safety regime of Li-ion battery thermal runaway”, Applied Energy, 261, 114440, 2020.
  33. M. Xu, R. Wang, P. Zhao, X. Wang, “Fast charging optimization for lithium-ion batteries based on programming algorithm and electrochemical-thermal-capacity fade coupled model”, Journal of Power Sources, 438, 227015, 2019.
  34. P. Zhao*, S.H. Lam, “Toward computational singular perturbation without eigen-decomposition”, Combust. Flame, 209, 63-73, 2019.
  35. Q. Yang, P. Zhao*, H. Ge, “reactingFoam-SCI: an open source CFD platform for reacting flow simulation”, Computers and Fluids, 290, 114-127, 2019.
  36. M. Tao, P. Zhao*, J. Szybist, P. Lynch, H. Ge, “Insights on autoignition in engines: combining engine thermodynamic trajectory and fuel ignition delay iso-contour”, Combust. Flame,200, 207-218, 2019.
  37. M. Tao, P. Lynch, P. Zhao*, “Kinetic modeling of ignition in miniature shock tube”, Proc. Combust. Inst., 37, 593-601, 2019.
  38. M. Tao, H. Ge, Brad VanDerWege, P. Zhao*, “Fuel wall film effects on premixed flame propagation, quenching and emission”, Int. J. Engine Res, 21, 1055-1066, 2018.
  39. L. Lin, P. Zhao, G. Mason, X. Zeng*, “Characterization of the IL/electrode interfacial relaxation processes under potential polarization for ionic liquid amperometric gas sensor method development”, ACS Sensors,3, 1126-1134, 2018.
  40. M. Tao, A. Laich, P. Lynch*, P. Zhao*, “On the interpretation and correlation of high temperature ignition delays in reactors with varying thermodynamic conditions”, Int. J. Chem. Kinet., 50, 410-424, 2018.
  41. M. Tao, P. Zhao*, D. DelVescovo, H. Ge, “Manifestation of octane rating, fuel sensitivity, and composition effects for gasoline surrogates under advanced compression ignition conditions”, Combust. Flame, 192, 238-249, 2018. 
  42. M. Tao, T. Wu, H. Ge, D. DelVescovo, P. Zhao*, “A kinetic modeling study on octane rating and fuel sensitivity in advanced compression ignition engines”, Combust. Flame, 185, 234-244, 2017.
  43. M. Tao, D. Han, P. Zhao*, “An alternative approach to accommodate detailed ignition chemistry in combustion simulation”, Combust. Flame, 176, 400-408, 2017.
  44. D. Han, S. Deng, W. Liang, P. Zhao, F. Wu, Z. Huang, C. K. Law*, “Laminar flame propagation and nonpremixed stagnation ignition of toluene and xylenes”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36, 479-489, 2017.
  45. W. Ji, P. Zhao*, P. Zhang, Z. Ren, X. He, C. K. Law, “On the crossover temperature and lower turnover states in the NTC regime”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36, 343-353, 2017.
  46. J. Pan, H. Wei, G. Shu, Z. Chen, P. Zhao*, “The role of low temperature chemistry in combustion mode development under elevated pressures”, Combust. Flame, 174, 179-193, 2016. 
  47. S. Deng, P. Zhao, M. E. Mueller*, C. K. Law, “Flame dynamics in oscillating flows under autoignitive conditions”, Combust. Flame, 168, 75-82, 2016.
  48. J. Pan, G. Shu, P. Zhao, H. Wei*, Z. Chen, “Interactions of flame propagation, auto-ignition and pressure wave during knocking combustion”, Combust. Flame, 164, 319-328, 2016.
  49. J. Pan, P. Zhao*, H. Wei, C. K. Law, “A predictive Livengood-Wu integral for two-stage ignition”, International Journal of Engine Research, 2016, 17, 825-835. 
  50. W. Ji, P. Zhao*, T. He, X. He, A. Farooq, C. K. Law, “On the controlling mechanism of the upper turnover states in the NTC regime”, Combust. Flame, 164, 294-302, 2016. 
  51. P. Zhao, W. Liang, S. Deng, C. K. Law*, “Initiation and propagation of laminar premixed cool flames”, Fuel, 166, 477-487, 2016.
  52. S. Deng, P. Zhao, M. E. Mueller*, C. K. Law, “Stabilization of laminar nonpremixed DME/air coflow flames at elevated temperatures and pressures”, Combust. Flame, 162(23), 4471-4478, 2015.
  53. S. Deng, P. Zhao, M. E. Mueller*, C. K. Law, “Autoignition-affected stabilization of laminar non-premixed DME/air jet flames”, Combust. Flame, 162 (9), 3437-3445, 2015.
  54. P. Zhao, S. Nackman, C.K. Law*, “On the application of betweenness centrality in chemical network analysis: computational diagnostics and model reduction”, Combust. Flame, 162 (8), 2991-2998, 2015.
  55. P. Zhao, W. Yuan, H. Sun, Y. Li, A. Kelley, X. Zheng, C. K. Law*, “Laminar flame speeds, counterflow ignition, and kinetic modeling of the butene isomers”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 309-316, 2015.
  56. S. Deng, P. Zhao, D. Zhu, C. K. Law*, “NTC-affected ignition and low-temperature flames in nonpremixed DME/air counterflow”, Combust. Flame, 161(8), 1993-1997, 2014.
  57. Z. Qu, Z. Liu*, X. Wang, P. Zhao, “Finite analytic numerical method for solving two-dimensional quasi-Laplace equation”, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 30(6), 1755-1769, 2014.
  58. P. Zhao, C. K. Law*, “The role of global and detailed kinetics in the first-stage ignition delay in NTC-affected phenomena”, Combust. Flame, 160, 2352–2358, 2013.
  59. C. K. Law*, P. Zhao, “NTC-affected ignition in non-premixed counterflow”, Combust. Flame, 159(3), 1044-1054, 2012. 

P. Zhao (2018) Detailed Kinetics in Combustion Simulation: Manifestation, Model Reduction, and Computational Diagnostics. In: De S., Agarwal A., Chaudhuri S., Sen S. (eds) Modeling and Simulation of Turbulent Combustion. Energy, Environment, and Sustainability. Springer.

  1. P. Zhao, “Experimental and thermochemical analysis of Li-ion battery thermal runaway”, Battery & EV Congress, Troy, Michigan, June 8-9, 2022.
  2. H. Ge, P. Zhao, S. Parameswaran, Y. Feng, X. Cui, “Large eddy simulation of a two-phase cough jet”, ILASS-Americas 32nd Annual conference on liquid atomization and spray systems, May 22-25, 2022.
  3. H. Ge, P. Zhao, S. Parameswaran, Y. Feng, X. Cui, “Large eddy simulation of face shield effects on an emitter during a cough process”, ILASS-Americas 32nd Annual conference on liquid atomization and spray systems, May 22-25, 2022.
  4. H. Ge, S. Parameswaran, P. Zhao, “Numerical simulations of stratification and charge cooling effects on a GDCI engine”, ILASS-Americas 32nd Annual conference on liquid atomization and spray systems, May 22-25, 2022.
  5. P Zhao, “Thermal-chemical analysis of Lithium-ion battery thermal runaway”, International Battery Seminar, FL, USA 2022.
  6. L. Zhang, Y. Chen, H. Ge, P. Zhao, “Theoretical and computational investigation on radiation induced Li-ion battery thermal runaway propagation”, THIESEL, Valencia, Spain, 2022.
  7. H. Ge, P. Zhao, “Effects of stratification and charge cooling on combustion in a gasoline direct-injection compression ignition (GDCI) engine”, SAE WCX, Detroit, MI, 2022.
  8. Peng Zhao, “Mitigate battery thermal runaway from mild combustion”, 2nd International Symposium on Li-ion battery fire safety, USTC, Hefei, China, 2021.
  9. Gan Xiao, Haiwen Ge, P. Zhao, “Planar flame initiation and propagation with variable reation progress”, 1G01, 12th US National Combustion Meeting, 2021.
  10. H. Ge, B. Lee, S. Parameswaran, P. Zhao, “Combustion, knock, and emissions in a port-fueled spark-ignition hydrogen engine: A CFD study”, 2C02, 12th US National Combustion Meeting, 2021.
  11. H. Ge, P. Zhao, “Effects of stratification and charge cooling on combustion in gasoline direct-injection compression ignition (GDCI) engine”, 2C03, 12th US National Combustion Meeting, 2021.
  12. H. Ge, R. He, P. Zhao, “A binary soot model for engine combustion”, 2C06, 12th US National Combustion Meeting, 2021.
  13. H. Ge, A.H. Bakir, S. Parameswaran, P. Zhao, “Optimization of pre-chamber geometry using CFD, machine learning, Bayesian updating, and genetic algorithm”, 3D09, 12th US National Combustion Meeting, 2021.
  14. P. Zhao, “On the criticality of Li-ion battery thermal ruanway: insights from mild combustion and thermochemistry,” Battery Congress, May 13, 2021.
  15. H. Ge, A. Bahir, S. Parameswaran, P. Zhao, “CFD optimization of pre-chamber geometry using design of the experiment, genetic algorithm, and machine learning”, SAE WCX 2021, 21-PFL-0099.
  16. P. Zhao, “Hot spot flame initiation under high-T conditions,” 5th International workshop on flame chemistry, Nov 30, 2020.
  17. Ge, H.W., Bakir, A.H., Kang, Y., Yadav, S., Parameswaran, S., Zhao, P., “A coupled genetic algorithm and machine learning method for geometry optimization of a passive pre-chamber”, ASME ICED Fall Technical Conference, 2020. 
  18. Ge, H.W., Bakir, A.H., Kang, Y., Yadav, S., Parameswaran, S., Zhao, P., “CFD optimization of pre-chamber geometry for a gasoline SI engine”, Aramco Global CFD Workshop, 2020.
  19. H. Ge, R. He, P. Zhao, “A Two-Layer Soot Model for Hydrocarbon Fuel Combustion,” SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-0243, 2020,
  20. B. Lee, H. Ge, S. Parameswaran, P. Zhao, “CFD Simulation of a Premixed Spark Injection Hydrogen Engine.” Proceedings of the ASME 2019 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference. ASME 2019 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference. Chicago, USA. October 20–23, 2019. V001T06A008. ASME.
  21. N. Shah, P. Zhao, D. DelVescovo, H. Ge, “Prediction of autoignition and flame properties for multicomponent fuels using machine learning techniques”, SAE WCX 2019-01-1049.
  22. H. Lin, P. Zhao, H. Ge, “Flame propagation in mixtures with non-zero reaction progress”, SAE WCX 2019-01-0946.
  23. Q. Yang, P. Zhao, H. Ge, “Open source CFD for reacting flow simulation: An upgraded OpenFOAM platform”, 19PFL-0779, SAE WCX, 2019.
  24. L. Zhang, P. Zhao, X. Wang, K. Young, “A computational investigation on internal short circuit and thermal runaway of Li-ion batteries”, 19PFL-0723, SAE WCX, 2019.
  25. P. Zhao, S.H. Lam, “Toward computational singular perturbation without eigen-decomposition”, Lam Memorial Session, 11th US National Combustion Meeting, 2019.
  26. M. Tao, P. Zhao, “Flame-wall fuel film interaction under engine conditions”, 71IC-0056, 11th US National Combustion Meeting, 2019.
  27. N. Shah, P. Zhao, “Prediction of autoignition, flame and engine combustion properties for multicomponent fuels using machine learning”, 71IC-0040, 11th US National Combustion Meeting, 2019.
  28. H. Lin, P. Zhao, “Laminar flame propagation in mixtures with non-zero reaction progress”, 71LF-0039, 11th US National Combustion Meeting, 2019.
  29. Q. Yang, P. Zhao, “Open source CFD for reacting flow simulation: An upgraded OpenFOAM platform”, 71OT-0038, 11th US National Combustion Meeting, 2019.
  30. R.A. Shaik, A. Sutar, T. Sharma, P. Zhao, P.T. Lynch, “2-Line temperature measurement in miniature shock tube”, 71CK-0367, 11th US National Combustion Meeting, 2019.
  31. A. Sutar, A. Dalmiya, P.T. Lynch, M. Tao, P. Zhao, “Ignition delay time and CO composition measurement during ethanol combustion in miniature shock tube”, 71CK-0370, 11th US National Combustion Meeting, 2019.
  32. H. Ge, P. Zhao, “Numerical investigation of the effects of spark plug orientation on flame kernel growth”, SAE International Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, 2019-01-0005.
  33. P. Zhao, “Thermal response and chemical kinetic feature of Li-Ion battery thermal runaway”, 9th Annual Battery Safety, Arlington, VA, 2018.
  34. Q. Yang, P. Zhao, “State of the art combustion modeling with OpenFOAM”, 2018 OpenFOAM Conference North America, Farmington Hills, MI, 2018.
  35. P. Zhao, “Flame-Wall film interaction”, 2018 Converge User Conference, Madison, WI, Sep 25.
  36. H. Ge, P. Zhao, “An ignition system model for spark-ignition engines”, ASME ICED Fall Technical Conference, ICEF2018-9574, 2018.
  37. C. Freeman, M. Mueller, P. Zhao, H. Ge, “Numerical simulation of ignition mechanism in the main chamber of turbulent jet ignition system”, ASME ICED Fall Technical Conference, ICEF2018-9587, 2018.
  38. Z. Xu, M. Xu, X. Wang, P. Zhao, “Conductive heating of Li-ion batteries at low temperatures”, ASME IMECE2018-88235.
  39. P. Zhao, “Autoignition in IC engines”, contributed talk at the 4th International Flame Chemistry Workshop, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, Jul 28-29, 2018.
  40. M. Tao, P. Zhao, P. Lynch, “Insights on fuel performance in advanced compression ignition engines by combining engine thermodynamic trajectory and fuel ignition delay iso-contour”, 2018 CSSCI Spring Technical Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, May 20-22, 2018.
  41. M. Tao, P. Lynch, P. Zhao, “Chemical kinetic modeling of ignition in HRRST”, 2018 CSSCI Spring Technical Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, May 20-22, 2018.
  42. M. Tao, H. Ge, P. Zhao, “Near wall flame quenching by a liquid fuel film”, 2018 CSSCI Spring Technical Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, May 20-22, 2018. 
  43. H. Ge, P. Zhao, “An ignition system model for spark-ignited engines”, 2018 CSSCI Spring Technical Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, May 20-22, 2018. 
  44. M. Tao, P. Zhao, D. DelVescovo, H. Ge, “Octane rating, fuel sensitivity, and composition effect on fundamental and engine combustion properties for gasoline surrogates”, 2018 SAE World Congress Experience.
  45. L. Zhang, M. Xu, P. Zhao, X. Wang, “A computational study on the critical ignition energy and chemical kinetic feature for Li-ion battery thermal runaway”, SAE Technical Paper 2018-01-0437
  46. P. Zhao, “Recent advances in fuel ignition property screening and performance evaluation in ACI engines”, DOE AEC Program Review Meeting, USCAR, Southfield, MI, Aug 24, 2017.
  47. P. Zhao, T. Lu, C.K. Law, S.H. Lam, “Computational identification of quasi-steady state and partial equilibrium in chemical kinetics”, 6th International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reacting Flows, Princeton, NJ, July 11-14, 2017.  
  48. M. Tao, P. Zhao, A. Laich, P. Lynch, “On the interpretation and correlation of high temperature ignition delays in reactors with varying thermodynamic conditions”, COM023, 10th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, Chicago, May 21-25, 2017. 
  49. T. Wu, M. Tao, H.W. Ge, P. Zhao, “A kinetic modeling study on octane rating and fuel sensitivity under HCCI conditions”, 10th US National Combustion Meeting, College Park, MD, 2017.
  50. H. Ge, P. Zhao, “Fuel wall film effects on premixed flame propagation, quenching and emission”, 10th US National Combustion Meeting, College Park, MD, 2017.
  51. M. Tao, P. Lynch, P. Zhao, “Inverse Livengood-Wu integration method for analyzing ignition delay times in reactors with varying conditions”, 10th US National Combustion Meeting, College Park, MD, 2017.
  52. L. Liang, H. Ge, H.W. Ge, P. Zhao, “A 1-D platform to simulate the effects of dedicated EGR on SI engine combustion”, SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-0524.
  53. T. Wu, M. Tao, H.W. Ge, P. Zhao, “Octane rating and fuel sensitivity in advanced compression ignition engines”, 2017 SAE World Congress & Exhibition.
  54. S. Deng, P. Zhao, M. Mueller, C.K. Law, “Dynamics of autoignitive DME/air coflow flames in oscillating flows”, APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (Fall) 2016, abstract id. M17.002.
  55. D. Han, P. Zhao, Z. Huang, “Dilution, thermal and chemical effects of carbon dioxide on the two-stage auto-ignition process of n-Heptane”, SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-0756.
  56. W. Ji, P. Zhao, X. He, C.K. Law, “Thermodynamic and chemical kinetic characteristics of NTC turnover states”, Spring Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Princeton, NJ, March 13-16, 2016.
  57. S. Deng, P. Zhao, M. Mueller, C.K. Law, “Autoignited DME/air coflow flames in oscillating flows,” Spring Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Princeton, NJ, March 13-16, 2016.
  58. D. Han, P. Zhao, F. Wu, C.K. Law, “Laminar premixed flame propagation and nonpremixed ignition of toluene and xylenes,” Spring Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Princeton, NJ, March 13-16, 2016.
  59. M. Tao, P. Zhao, “Prediction of two-stage ignition of primary reference fuels using a staged Livengood-Wu correlation under homogeneous reciprocating engine conditions”, Spring Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Princeton, NJ, March 13-16, 2016.
  60. M. Tao, P. Zhao, “A staged Livengood-Wu correlation for two-stage ignition of primary reference fuels”, Spring Technical Meeting of the Central States Section of the Combustion Institute, Knoxville, Tennessee, 2016.
  61. P. Zhao, C.K. Law, “On premixed cool flames in the counterflow,” 9th U.S. National Technical Meeting of the Combustion Institute, Cincinnati, OH, 2015.
  62. S. Deng, P. Zhao, M. Mueller, C.K. Law, “Stabilization of laminar nonpremixed DME/air coflow flames at elevated temperature and pressure,” 9th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 17 – 20, 2015.
  63. P. Zhao, S. Nackman, T. Lu, C.K. Law, “A betweenness centrality method for chemical network analysis and mechanism reduction”, Fall Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Clemson University, SC, 2013.
  64. P. Zhao, F. Wu, C.K. Law, “Fuel similarity for laminar flames of C5 to C8 n-alkanes”, Fall Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Clemson University, SC, 2013.
  65. P. Zhao, C.K. Law, “Implications of detailed and global kinetics on the first-stage ignition delay in NTC-affected phenomena”, 8th U.S. National Technical Meeting of the Combustion Institute, Salt Lake City, UT, 2013.
  66. P. Zhao, T. Lu, C.K. Law, “A betweenness centrality method for chemical network analysis and mechanism reduction”, the Second International Education Forum on Environment and Energy Science, Huntington Beach, CA, 2013.
  67. P. Zhao, C.K. Law, “Characteristics of first-stage ignition delay in NTC-affected phenomena”, 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Gyeongju, Korea, 2013.
  68. P. Zhao, C.K. Law, “NTC-affected ignition in nonpremixed counterflow”, Fall Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, University of Connecticut, 2011.
  69. T. Zhang, Y. Xin, P. Zhao, D. Zhu, C.K. Law, “Catalytic oxidation of methane over PdO in wire microcalorimetry: experiment and simulation”, 7th U.S. National Technical Meeting of the Combustion Institute, Atlanta, GA, 2011.

  • Session organizer and chair of BEV congress on Storage and Battery Safety, 2022
  • Session organizer of SAE World Congress PFL120 session “Multi-Dimensional Engine Modeling”, 2022
  • Session organizer of SAE World Congress PFL180 session “Advanced Propulsion/Powertrain”, 2022
  • Reviewer for Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) within the Department of Energy Office of Science, 2021
  • Reviewer for Office of Vehicle Technology within the Department of Energy, 2021
  • Editorial Board, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering
  • Advisory and Scientific Committee of THIESEL 2022 for Clean Propulsion Powerplants, Universitat Politècnica de València.
  • Guest Editor of Special issue “Reactive Flows”, Fluids, 2021
  • Session chair of Reaction Kinetics of the US Natioal Combustion meeting, May 26, 2021. 
  • Session organizer of SAE World Congress PFL120 session “Multi-Dimensional Engine Modeling”, 2021
  • Session organizer of SAE World Congress PFL180 session “Advanced Propulsion/Powertrain”, 2021
  • Session chair of the 38th International Combustion Symposium, Jan 24-29, 2021
  • Host of International Workshop Engine Combustion Network (ECN 7), April 2020
  • Guest editor of a special issue on Advancement of Low Temperature Engine Combustion Strategies in Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 2019-2020
  • Invited reviewer for DOE Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) Annual Merit Review (AMR), 2019
  • Panelist for NSF Program of Combustion and Fire Systems, 2018.
  • Session chair of the US CSSCI Technical Conference, Minneapolis, 2018. 
  • Invited ad hoc reviewer for NSF Program of Combustion and Fire Systems, 2018.
  • Member of the Early Career and Diversity Development Committee of US Section of the Combustion Institute (2017 – present).
  • Invited as ad hoc proposal reviewer for NSF Program of Combustion and Fire Systems, 2017.
  • Session chair of the US ESSCI Technical Conference, Princeton University, 2016. 
  • Awarded as outstanding reviewer by top journals including Combustion and Flame, Fuel, Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Chemical Engineering Journal, Applied Energy, etc. 
  • Awarded recognized reviewer by top journals including Fire Safety Journal, Fuel Processing Technology, Energy and Fuels, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, etc.