Ragini Acharya
Associate Professor
Dept. of Mechanical Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering
The University of Tennessee, Space Institute
411 B.H. Goethert Parkway, MS 21
Tullahoma, TN 37388
Email: ragini.acharya@utsi.edu
- Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering – PennState University, University Park, PA 2008
- Ph.D. Minor High-Performance Computing – PennState University, University Park, PA 2008
- M.S. Mechanical Engineering– PennState University, University Park, PA 2004
- B.S. (Honors) Mechanical Engineering– Indian Institute of Technology, India, 2000
Professional Experience
- Hypersonic Propulsion Lead-Raytheon Missiles and Defense, March 2020-August 2020
- Director Hypersonic Technology-CFD Research Corporation, USA Sept 2016-March 2020
- Senior Research Scientist • United Technologies Research Center, Nov 2010–August 2016
Research Interests
- Hypersonic air-breathing propulsion
- Hypersonic Signature Modeling
- Scramjet Unstart
- Hypersonic boundary-layer transition
- Uncertainty quantification for high-fidelity CFD
- Reduced dimensional models for high-speed applications
- Reacting flow modeling
- Rocket Propulsion
Honors and Awards
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Associate Fellow
- Best Paper Award in 7th International Symposium in Chemical Propulsion (7-ISICP) held in Kyoto, September 2007 for Interior Ballistics Processes in a Flash Tube.
- Invited Speaker for Ninth DOE Crosscut Workshop on Lean Emissions Reduction Simulation, May 2- 4, 2006, University of Michigan – Dearborn.
- Best Paper Awards in 24th Rocket Nozzle Technology Subcommittee Meeting, November 2005 for Nozzle Analysis and Modeling.
“Fundamentals of Turbulent and Multiphase Combustion,” John Wiley and Sons. Co-authored with Kenneth Kuo, John Wiley & Sons. April 2012
“Applications of Turbulent and Multiphase Combustion,” John Wiley and Sons. Co-authored with Kenneth Kuo, John Wiley & Sons. August 2012.
Selected Publications
- Effect of chamber pressure & propellant composition on erosion rate of graphite rocket nozzle, R. Acharya and K. K. Kuo, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 23, 6, pp.1242-1254, 2007
- Development of Uncertainty Quantification Framework Applied to Scramjet Unstart Challenge, R Acharya, PP Palies, JA Schetz, JD Schmisseur, 23rd AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies, 2020
- Non-Intrusive Computational Method and Uncertainty Quantification for isolator operability calculations, R Acharya, J Schetz, JD Schmisseur, 2018 Joint Propulsion Conference, 4537
- Implementation of approximate Riemann solver to two-phase flows in mortar systems, R. Acharya and K. K. Kuo, Journal of Applied Mechanics, September 2010, Vol. 77, pp. 051401-1-051401-9