![Zhongren Yue](/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Zhongren-Yue.jpg)
Zhongren Yue
Research Associate Professor
Materials Science and Engineering
University of TN Space Institute
Tullahoma, TN 37388-9700
Phone: (931) 393-7362
Lab: (931) 393-7344
Fax: (931) 393-7530
- 1984 – BS in Chemical Engineering, Hefei Univ. of Technology, China
- 1987 – MS in Polymer Science, Univ. of Science and Technology of China
- 1995 – PhD in Polymer Chemistry and Physics, Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) University
Professional Experience
- Jan, 2007 – Current, Research Associate Professor at University of Tennessee Space Institute
- 2003 – 2006, Research Scientist, Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- 1998 – 2002, Post-doc Research Associate, Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- 1995 – 1997, Assistant Professor at the Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) University
- 1987 – 1992, Assistant Researcher in Polymer Materials Institute, Anhui University, China
Research Interests
- High-performance carbon fibers
- Fiber reinforced composites
- High surface area, porous materials
- Advanced materials for water and air purification
- MSE 552 – Fiber Science
- MSE 540 – Basic Polymer Chemistry
- MSE 503 – Graduate Seminar in Materials Science & Engineering
- MSE 511 – Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering – I (joint class)
- MSE 676 – All Things Carbon (Joint class)
- MSE 474/578 Biomaterials/Advanced Biomaterials (three lectures)
- “Activated Organic Coatings on Fiber Substrates”. James Economy, Christian Mangun, and Zhongren Yue, US Patent No.: 6517906.
- “High Surface Area Ceramic Coated Fibers”. Jian-Ku Shang, Rongcai Xie, Zhongren Yue and James Economy. Chinese Patent No: ZL 2005 8 0014982.9
- “Preparation of Natural Fiber-based Activated Carbon Fiber”. Hanmin Zeng, Yun Lu, and Zhongren Yue, China Patent No.: 97108889.6.
- “Preparation of Nanoparticles of Noble Metals by Solid/Liquid Oxidation-reduction Method”, Hanmin Zeng, Rong Zeng, and Zhongren Yue, China Patent No.: 99117154.3.
Recent Publications
- Chuilin Lai , Ganji Zhong , Zhongren Yue , Gui Chen , Lifeng Zhang, Ahmad Vakili, Ying Wang, Lei Zhu,*, Jie Liu,**, Hao Fong. Investigation of post-spinning stretching process on morphological, structural, and mechanical properties of electrospun polyacrylonitrile copolymer nanofibers. Polymer 2011, 52, 519-528.
- Zhongren Yue, Samantha E. Bender, Jinwen Wang, and James Economy, Removal of Chromium Cr(VI) by Low-Cost Chemically Activated Carbon Materials from Water, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 166(1), 74-8
- Jie Liu, Zhongren Yue, and Hao Fong, Continuous Nanoscale Carbon Fibers with Superior Mechanical Strength, Small 2009, 5(5), 536–542.
- Gordon Nangmenyi, Zhongren Yue, Sharifeh Mehrabi, Eric Mintz and James Economy, Synthesis and characterization of silver-nanoparticle-impregnated fiberglass and utility in water disinfection. Nanotechnology 2009, 20, 495705.
- JinwenWang, Yaxuan Yao, Zhongren Yue, James Economy. Preparation of polyelectrolyte multilayer films consisting of sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone) alternating with selected anionic layers, Journal of Membrane Science 2009, 337, 200–207.
- Jinwen Wang, Zhongren Yue, and James Economy. Solvent Resistant Hydrolyzed Polyacrylonitrile Membranes Separation Science and Technology, 2009, 44: 2827–2839,
- Li Ding, Vernonl Snoeyink, Benitoj Marinas, Zhongren Yue, James Economy, Effects of Powdered Activated Carbon Pore Size Distribution on the Competitive Adsorption of Aqueous Atrazine and Natural Organic Matter, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2008, 42, 1227–1231
- Jinwen Wang , Zhongren Yue, James Economy. Novel method to make a continuous micro-mesopore membrane with tailored surface chemistry for use in nanofiltration. Journal of Membrane Science 2008, 308, 191–197
- Jinwen Wang, Zhongren Yue and James Economy, “Proton-conducting composite membrane derived from sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone) and polyacrylonitrile”, Journal of Membrane Science, 2007, 291, 210-219
- Zhongren Yue, James Economy, Kishore Rajagopalan, Gary Bordson, Marv Piwoni, Li Ding, Vernon L. Snoeyink, and Benito J. Mariñas. Chemically Activated Carbon on a Fiberglass Substrate for Removal of Trace Atrazine from Water. J. Mater. Chem., 2006, 16(33), 3375 – 3380
- Zhongren Yue and James Economy. Synthesis of Highly Mesoporous Carbon Pellets from Carbon Black and Polymer Binder by Chemical Activation. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2006, 96, 314-20.
- Jinwen Wang, Zhongren Yue, Ince Jeffrey, and James Economy. Preparation of Nanofiltration Membranes from Polyacrylonitrile Ultrafiltration Membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 2006. 286, 333-41.
- Zhongren Yue, J. Economy and Gary Bordson, “Preparation and Characterization of NaOH-Activated Carbons from Phenolic Resin”. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2006, 16, 1456-61.
- Zhongren Yue and J. Economy. “Nanoparticle and Nanoporous Carbon Adsorbents for Removal of Trace Organic Contaminants from Water”. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2005.7(4), 477-87.
- Zhongren Yue, Kelly R. Benak, Jinwen Wang, Christian L.Mangun and James Economy. “Elucidating the Porous and Chemical Structures of ZnCl2 – Activated Polyacrylonitrile on Fiberglass Substrate” Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2005. 15, 3142-48.
- Zhongren Yue, Christian L. Mangun and James Economy. “Characterization of Surface Chemistry and Pore Structure of H3PO4 – Activated Poly(vinyl alcohol) Coated Fiberglass” Carbon 2004, 42, 1973-82.
- James Economy and Zhongren Yue, “ Advanced Materials for Water Purification” IUMRS Facets, 2003, 2(3), 8-11.
- Zhongren Yue, James Economy and Christian L. Mangun. “Preparation of fibrous porous materials by Chemical activation 2. H3PO4 Activation of Polymer Coated Fibers”, Carbon, 2003, 41, 1809-1817.
- Zhongren Yue, Christian L. Mangun and James Economy. “Preparation of fibrous porous materials by Chemical activation 1. ZnCl2 Activation of Polymer Coated Fibers”, Carbon , 2002, 40(8), 1181-1191.
- Lourdes Dominguez, Zhongren Yue, James Economy and Christian Mangun.” Design of polyvinyle alcohol mercaptyl fibers for arsenite chelation”, Reactive & Functional Polymers, 2002 , 53, 205-215.
Recent Conference Papers
- Zhongren Yue, Ahmad Vakili, and Chang Liu, FABRICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF LIGHTWEIGHT, COST-EFFECTIVE CARBON FIBER SANDWICHED COMPOSITES, Proceedings, 2010 SAMPE Fall Technical Conference & Exhibition, Oct 11-14, 2010, Salt Lake City, Utah
- Zhongren Yue, Ahmad Vakili, and Chang Liu CHARACTERISTICS OF MELT-BLOW SPUN, SOLVATED MESOPHASE PITCH-BASED CARBON FIBER AND ITS COMPOSITES, The Annual World Conference on Carbon, Carbon 2010, Paper C-651, Clemson University, SC, USA. July 11-16, 2010.
- Vakili A, Yue ZR and Matthew DP., “Influence of fiber surface treatments on low-cost carbon fiber composites”, ICCE-17 proceedings, Page 1061, 17th International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering, July 26-August 1, 2009. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
- Yue ZR, Matthew DP, Vakili A, “Fabrication of low-cost composites using roving-like mesophase pitch-based carbon fibers”, ICCE-17 proceedings, Page 1171, 17th International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering, July 26-August 1, 2009. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA,
- Vakili A, Yue ZR, Fei Y, Cochran H, Allen L. and Duran M. “Pitch based carbon fiber processing and composites”. SAMPE 2007, Paper C-139, Cincinnati, OH, Oct. 2007.
- Zhongren Yue, Jinwen Wang, Samantha E. Bender, and James Economy, “Design of chemically-activated materials for improved removal of Cr(VI) from water” ENVR 121, Remediation Technologies for Chromium, The 233rd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, March 25-29, 2007.
- Zhongren Yue, James L. Langer, and James Economy, “Removal of trace formaldehyde from air and water using porous materials”. SUST 83, Sustainability of Energy, Food, and Water, The 233rd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, March 25-29, 2007.
- Zhongren Yue, Mojgan Zavareh, Conrad W. Ingram, and James Economy, “Sulfonated ACF on fiberglass for Pb2+ removal from water”. SUST 155, Sustainability of Energy, Food, and Water, The 233rd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, March 25-29, 2007.
- Jinwen Wang, Zhongren Yue, and James Economy, “Preparation of polyelectrolyte multilayer films consisting of sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone) which alternates with various anionic layers”. SUST 59. Sustainability of Energy, Food, and Water, The 233rd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, March 25-29, 2007.
- Gordon N. Nangmenyi, James Economy, and Zhongren Yue. “Characterization of a novel bactericidal material consisting of Ag on a fiberglass substrate”. SUST 43, Sustainability of Energy, Food, and Water, The 233rd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, March 25-29, 2007.
- Zhongren Yue, James Economy, Li Ding, Vernon L. Snoeyink, and Benito J. Mariñas. “Design of Micro-Mesoporous Materials for Removal of Trace Organic Contaminants from Water.” NSF Water CAMPWS Annual Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, April 13-15, 2005.
- Li Ding, Vernon L. Snoeyink, Benito J. Mariñas, Zhongren Yue, James Economy, “Effect of pore size distribution of activated carbon on the competitive adsorption between trace contaminant and natural organic matter”. NSF Water CAMPWS Annual Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, April 13-15, 2005.
- P.Wu, R.. Xie, Z. Yue, J. A. Imlay, James Economy and J. Shang. “Antimicrobial fibers based on visible-light photocatalysts”. NSF Water CAMPWS Annual Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, April 13-15, 2005.
- Yue, Zhongren; Economy, James; Rajagopalan, Kishore; Bordson, Gary; Piwoni, Marv. “Removal of trace amounts of atrazine from water using porous carbons coated on a fiberglass substrate”. 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, United States, August 22-26, 2004.
- Yue, Zhongren; Economy, James; Rajagopalan, Kishore; Bordson, Gary; Piwoni, Marv. “High surface area, mesoporous fibers for removal of organics from water”. 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, United States, August 22-26, 2004.
- Wang, Jinwen; Yue, Zhongren; Economy, James. “Proton-conducting composite membrane derived from sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone) and polyacrylonitrile”. Division of Fuel Chemistry. 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, United States, August 22-26, 2004.
- Zhongren Yue. James Economy, Kishore Rajagopalan. “Development of Advanced Adsorption Systems for Water Purification”, (poster) P#19. CNST Nanotechnology in Homeland Security Worship, May 6-7, 2004, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL
- Zhongren Yue. James Economy. “Development of Advanced Nanoporous Carbon-based Systems for Removal of Various Toxic Contaminants in Water”. (poster)P#20. CNST Nanotechnology in Homeland Security Worship, May 6-7, 2004, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL
- Zhongren Yue. James Economy, Kishore Rajagopalan , G. Bordson and M. Piwoni. “The Removal of Atrazine from Water to Below USEPA MCL by Using Nanoporous Activated Carbon Filters”. (poster)P#21. CNST Nanotechnology in Homeland Security Worship, May 6-7, 2004, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL
- Zhongren Yue , Christian L. Mangun and James Economy, “Surface Chemistry of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Coated Fiberglass Activated with H3PO4”, Symposia Papers Presented Before the Division of Environmental Chemistry, American Chemical Society, New York, NY. September 7-11, 2003
- Zhongren Yue, Katherine E. Pripusich-Sienkiewicz, and James Economy, “Synthesis and Characterization of Porous Inorganic Fibers Templated from ACF’s”, Symposia Papers Presented Before the Division of Environmental Chemistry, American Chemical Society, New York, NY. September 7-11, 2003
- James Economy and Zhongren Yue , “Recent Progress on Advanced Adsorption Systems for removal of Trace contaminants in water”, Symposia Papers Presented Before the Division of Environmental Chemistry, American Chemical Society, New York, NY. September 7-11, 2003.
- Zhongren Yue, James Economy. “CO2 adsorption using pan-based microporous materials on fiber glass”. Pre-Print Archive – American Institute of Chemical Engineers, [Spring National Meeting], New Orleans, LA, United States, Mar. 11-14, 2002 37-40.