Equipped with a Coronado SolarMax II 60mm refractor telescope for views of the Sun.
The SolarMax is mounted on top of a Celestron 14″ EdgeHD Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope to obtain high-resolution views of the planets. In addition, the “C14” utilizes a Hyperstar adapter to increase the field of view in order to image large nebulae. These scopes are mounted on an iOptron CEM120EC mount providing excellent tracking capabilities to enable long exposures without stars streaking across the field of view.
On clear nights, the UTSI Observatory is able to host small “star-parties” with an external TV screen for viewing of images currently being taken, and set up a second 8″ Celestron SCT for visual views of bright objects. On clear days, a “live” view of the sun is streamed (updated every 15-30 minutes). View recent images in our gallery below.
For more information contact our Observatory coordinator.