Summer Camp Available at UTSI for Area High School Students
If you’re a high school student entering your sophomore, junior or senior year this fall and you enjoy science experiments using rockets, lasers and cutting-edge technology, you should spend a week at UTSI this summer!
The University of Tennessee Space Institute will be holding an ASM Materials Camp from June 11-15, 2007. Materials Camp gives high school students a chance to perform hands-on experiments working with actual equipment and research materials. Experiments will be led by UTSI professors and research staff, and will delve into the areas of lasers, rockets and jets, carbon nanotubes, which may be the stuff future super-light vehicles and planes are made of, and much more.
ASM Materials Camp will turn students into materials scientists for a week, studying “the stuff that things are made of,” and learning principles of applied math, physics and chemistry. Materials scientists use their knowledge of the properties of materials to design new and better products, things as big as jets and as small as the tiniest microchip.
Students applying for ASM Materials Camp should have basic knowledge of algebra, chemistry and physics, and be able to describe why they want to learn more about engineering and materials science as a possible college major and career.
There is no cost to attend this camp, and meals will be provided. While attending the camp is free, space is limited and applications, available from your school office, must be turned in by May 15. For more information, contact Carole Thomas at UTSI at 393-7485, or go to for a registration form.