UT Purchasing Directors Meet at UTSI
UT PURCHASING DIRECTORS MEET AT UTSI—The University of Tennessee held their annual Purchasing Directors’ Meeting at the University of Tennessee Space Institute, Sept. 20-21. While the group meets every year, their last visit to UTSI was five years ago. Shown above in the front row, left to right, are Sharon Mount (UTK), Marcene Weddington (UTC), Charles Scott (UTC), Laura Foltz (UT Martin), Bob Walker (UT General Counsel), Wanda Griffin (UT Martin), Vick Crutchfield (UT Memphis), Rebecca Layman (UTSI), and Neal Wormsley (UT Treasurer’s Office). In the back row, left to right, are Jerry Wade (UTK), Butch Peccolo (UT Treasurer’s Office), Vanasia Parks (UTC), George Jensen (UTSI), Lori Hutcherson (UT Martin), David Marks (UT IRIS Support), Steve Rowland (UT Memphis), Ken Peterson (UT Memphis), Morris Wilson (UTK).
–UTSI Photo by Shanna Relford